Enter a name in the search box to locate School of Social Work faculty and staff members, or select the first letter of their last name to search alphabetically. Please refer to UW Directories for a complete listing of University faculty, staff and students.

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First Name Last Name Job Title Email Phone Location Office
Vicki Anderson-Ellis Assistant Dean of Finance & Administration vaellis@uw.edu 206-685-1667 SSW 220D
Viktorya Lee Computer Support Technician 2, SSWTech vikachu@uw.edu SSW 012
Vivian Lyons Research Scientist/Engineer 3, SDRG vlyons@uw.edu SDRG
Warren Leyh Clinical Assistant Professor wleyh@uw.edu
Wendy Wilford Program Coordinator, SSW Office Services wendyw8@uw.edu 206-221-7441 SSW 220A
Wendy Lustbader Clinical Associate Professor wendylus@uw.edu 206-685-1631 SSW 127E
Wendy Seignemartin Continuing Education Specialist, Alliance wseigne@uw.edu Off-Campus
West Duncan Development and Facilitation Specialist, Alliance swduncan@UW.edu 360-443-0523
William Vesneski Associate Teaching Professor vesneski@uw.edu 206-685-0788 SSW 237
William (Bill) Etnyre Clinical Professor
Zach North Program Coordinator, Forefront znorth@uw.edu 206-685-5443 SSW RC 252
Zoe Tapp Administrative Assistant 3, Forefront ztapp@uw.edu SSW RC 252
Zynovia Hetherington Teaching Professor, CWTAP Director (on leave) zynovia@uw.edu 206-543-5734 SSW 127M